Thursday, February 17, 2011


I generally go on a bit of a "life hiatus" when I have guests in my home. My parents are here, now for a week. The timing was impeccable as this morning I had the carcinoma on my lip excised. According to the doctor I look like Daisy Duck underneath the vast amount of bandagery that runs from mouth to nose. It's quite a look...such that I will forego picking my kids up today from school and taking them to gymnastics. I don't particularly enjoy scaring little children.

I've experienced an interesting lesson in all of this. I just haven't thought of this as much of a big deal, but I realized today, how truly blessed I am to experience life with the people I do...from my husband and kids, to friends, to my extended family. I don't like to ask much of others. But then, on the flip side, I try very hard to give appropriately when someone else is in need. In my Bible Study yesterday we discussed the principle of gleaning. In Leviticus, God (through Moses) lays down the rules for the Israelites when it comes to harvesting their crops. He makes specific instructions to the farmers to leave the edges of the field unplowed, so the widow, orphan and alien may come and partake.

There were two things about God that I noticed here. The first...God provides for us all, whether we are in a time of plenty or want. He gives us either just enough or abundance. Is one better than the other? I am inclined to say no. I believe that (according to my own experience) that in times of abundance, it is VERY easy to take our eyes off of God, his providence and perfect care. It is such a temptation to slip into the pattern of believing it's MY doing...which it isn't. At. All.

Secondly, personally, being the gleaner (the person doing the gleaning) is difficult moreso than being the farmer, providing. If I'm in a season of gleaning I must be willing to look honestly at my abilities, time, resources and surrender those to others. I wonder if this pride thing really keeps me from blessing others with the privilege of giving. I know how great I feel when I can do my little part in someone else's life...why can't I give that joy to another?

A few little tidbits for the day. I am still practicing my Eucharisteo...400 nearly. What a powerful practice. I am just awed each day by God's goodness and miracles. Yesterday, I saw a blue mailbox and it struck me as truly wonderful...we all see the blue mailboxes. Today, I noticed, in February, a woman had a striped summer bag. The old me would have thought, "My, isn't it a bit early for this fashion accessory?" But, no, I realized what a blessing it was to have bright, happy colors on a bare Colorado morning. My "soul holes", as I like to call them, are really filling up. I have desired this for so long...this peace that passes understanding.

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