Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year

I absolutely love the time between Christmas and New Year's. The crazy fun of anticipating and preparing for Christmas is over. My heart is generally light because I have witnessed the goodness of my family and humanity for the season; I have had opportunity to be generous and see God's hand at work over the course of a year. The week is a good transition point for me as I both reflect and look forward. What are my goals? dreams? desires? How do I want to partner in the work God is doing rather than inviting him to partner in my work? It kind of resets my mind and body.

I know it sounds so cliche..the whole idea of resolutions and goals. But it's true. There's nothing like a fresh start. After the indulgence of the holidays..spending, eating, revelry...I love starting over and cleaning out. I love refocusing my wonder what adventure I might find myself in in the future.

There is a rub, however, and that is real life. How does one get excited about new things and seek God in the midst of it all, while still going about the mundanity of life. Kids still need to be fed, house needs to be cleaned, relationships stoked, budget maintained, workouts completed...all of this needs to happen and I love doing it, but how can it happen with a fresh outlook? Will the newness and excitement gradually fade with the days, weeks and months? When is something a vision to be maintained and when is the vision just my own need for change? How do I know a vision is truly from God?

As I seek Him this 2011 I pray he truly shows me who he is. I pray that his daily renewal will accompany me through this year...that I may look to Him as my source of all things. I'm not looking to be perfect, but I am looking to "....continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in me to will and to act according to his good purpose." (Philippians 2:13)

I want to seek Him in all things, to rest in HIm, to surrender to Him, to trust in his presence, his goodness, righteousness, grace and love. I want my heart to be filled by only Him, to test everything, knowing that he is the only best!

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