Things are plugging along around here. We have had two snow days, so the kids have been home. The first was easy going and quiet, the second, I've put them to work and made them complete tasks for school, clean rooms, practice, etc. Not much fun for them, but I'm sure they will be fine.
My husband and I have had some interesting discussions surrounding the situation we find ourselves in. His businesses are really struggling and we just don't have any clear sense of direction of what to do or where to go. I can say, I have maintained a real peaceful existence and he is doing the same. I feel for him, how hard to not know what to do...close the doors, keep chugging along, etc. It is such a nebulous place. So, we are doing our best to be prayerful, peace-filled, surrendered and joyful. Some days are easier than others, but I am so grateful that he and I are doing better than ever.
In my Bible reading this morning, I re-visited Proverbs 3. My favorite verses are 5-6 which I clung to during my Ironman training: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and he will make your paths straight."
A little further down in the same chapter it says, "My son (daughter), do not despise the Lord's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." In Hebrews, it says that in any difficulty or hardship we face, consider it discipline. It finally hit me, that we are being disciplined, and I don't want it to sound like it's a bad thing. Of course it's not comfortable, nor do I particularly desire it. But looking back over the past 2-3 weeks, I have been more joyful and peaceful than ever before in my life.
So, maybe instead of looking at God's correction negatively,I should realize that it is in these times, that he draws me ever closer to him. He extends grace into my heart, mind and soul that is only from him. He provides the strength, power and perspective to propel me along, despite me inability to see the path ahead...hence the need to trust him with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding (because I have none).
I am praying for some clarity. I would like to have something to do that will get us moving down whatever path we need to go down. But, I do know that his timing is perfect so, I will do my best to trust patiently...offering thanks.
Thank you Lord for the snow blanketing the mountains; the washing machine doing the job I don't have to do; happy kids in a warm house; new opportunities and adventures; full pantry and refrigerator.
This was very helpful for me to read today. Your words are comforting. Love you.